Q: How can I change or cancel my booking?
A: You should have received a booking confirmation at the time of booking via email. It is possible to cancel, change the date or time, alter guest numbers (pending availability), or supply additional information about your booking via this link up to 12 hours prior. Please check your spam or junk folder if you cannot find your booking confirmation email.
Q: My preferred booking time slot is not available. Can you squeeze me in?
A: All of our availability is accessible via our online booking system. If your desired time slot does not appear, then it’s not available.
Q: Do you allow walk-ins?
A: We accept walk-ins wherever possible. There are multiple bar seats and outdoor areas within our venue that are often available for walk-ins. We suggest booking ahead of time whenever possible.
Q: Where is Botswana Butchery located in Martin Place?
A: From Martin Place plaza, go past the central water feature. Head up the stairs towards the MLC building and then continue to the left. If you are taking the elevator we are located on level 8.
Q: Where can I park?
A: Wilson carpark is accessible via King Street.
Q: What is the nearest train station?
A: Martin Place
Q: Are children allowed?
A: Yes. Children are welcome to our venue if they are accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at all times. They will need to vacate the premises before 11pm.
Q: Do you have wheelchair access?
A: Yes. There is full access to the venue for wheelchairs and people with mobility restrictions.
Q: Do you cater for dietaries?
A: We cater for all dietary requirements including vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, lactose/fructose intolerance, however, our food may contain traces of certain allergens. Please advise our staff of your requirements on arrival or specify at time of booking.
Q: Is your meat Halal? What about Kosher?
A: Many of our meat suppliers have Halal certification. However, our kitchen is not Halal certified. We are not able to serve Kosher food.
Q: Do I need to dine from a set menu if our group is 8+?
A: Yes. All groups of 8 or more guests are required to dine from one of our set menu options. Set menus are available to view on our functions page.
Q: What is the dress code?
A: Clean and presentable.
Q: Do you have an outdoor area? Is it covered and does it have heating?
A: Yes we have multiple outdoor areas which are covered and heated. Our rooftop bar on level 10 is a great place to start if you'd like to enjoy the outdoors.
Q Do you have a bar for pre-drinks or casual dining?
A: Yes. Head to Rooftop on Botswana Butchery on level 10 or to the level 8 bar and al fresco terrace. You don't need a booking at these bars, just turn up.